Introducing the Harvey Eugene Signature Smoker:
A Legacy of Flavor and Tradition
Step into the world of Harvey Eugene, a man whose passion for family and mouthwatering home-cooked meals inspired the creation of the Harvey Eugene Signature Smoker. Born out of a longing for the comforts of home after long hauls on the road, this extraordinary smoker carries with it a rich history that dates back to 1958.
Our Smokers
Both models feature our innovative firebox design, which ensures maximum heat retention within the smoker so you never have to worry about losing heat while tending to your culinary creations. The result…consistent, perfectly cooked meals every time.
Who is Harvey Eugene?
Harvey Eugene was a family man who understood the value of hard work; he spent long hours away from home driving a truck to make a living. When he returned home from a long trip out on the road, his craving for a homecooked meal inspired him to start smoking meat.
In 1958, his brother-in-law built a BBQ grill that Harvey used to create a flavor unlike any other. Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of the “old-timers” of his time; Harvey worked hard to improve his skills and bring out the best flavor in every piece of meat.

Nothing was wasted in Harvey's world.
The smoker he assembled from a vintage exhaust pipe salvaged from an old Mack truck, cleverly repurposed to vent the intoxicating smoke. By putting a brick on top, he had complete control over the fire, getting the temperature just right. Harvey's way of cooking was both an art and a science. Harvey's method was both an art and a science; he would gauge the heat by gently placing his hand on the smoker's surface, ensuring the ideal environment to create the perfect meat.
Harvey cooked his meats over a charcoal and wood fire, letting the juices drip down over the dancing flames.
The result?
Unmatched tenderness and flavor that only the delicate balance of drippings and smoke could achieve—a true open-pit experience with a special touch.
To track his cooking progress, Harvey had a special system… each beer he drank was a moment to reflect and see how the fire and meat were doing.
We could always tell how good the food would be by the number of empty beer cans—a sign of his dedication to his cooking. Harvey spent weeks traveling and enjoyed the slower pace of those relaxing days, which was made even better by the joy of cooking for family.
As time carried Harvey Eugene into his golden years, a realization took hold of his son, leaving him with a deep desire to honor his legacy by creating a smoker that would do justice to his lifelong passion.
Together, father and son worked hard to perfect a special technique, dedicating many years of experience and wisdom to every aspect of the Harvey Eugene Signature Smoker.
Their efforts paid off when they achieved their dream—the Harvey Eugene Signature Smoker, named in honor of the man himself. To honor his presence, we included his actual signature in the logo as a heartfelt reminder of his guiding spirit.
Our goal was to bring back a nearly forgotten smoking method, a tradition rooted in the love of meat and its unique flavor. With the Harvey Eugene Signature Smoker, we invite you to embark on a sensory journey that combines artistry and BBQ excellence, transcending time.

Join us in preserving this legacy and savoring the delicious taste that only the Harvey Eugene Signature Smoker can provide. It's time to embrace the heritage, rediscover lost flavors, and create memories that will be treasured for generations.